Title RNA 시료의 먼거리 이동시 안전필수템 RNAssure™ 할인행사
Writer Admin
Date 2022-08-23
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RNA 추출 즉시, RNA를 안전하게 보호해 줍니다.
GenTegra RNAssure™ 할인 이벤트
▶ 행사기간 : 2022년 8월 23일 ~ 2022년 12월 31일
▶ 제품문의 : 02-3141-0791, [email protected]
GenTegra RNAssure™
RNA 시료를 정제 후 GenTegra RNAssure™로 처리함으로써, 모든 RNases와 산화 노출로 부터 RNA를 가장 강력하게 보호하여 RNA degradation 가능성을 제거할 수 있습니다. GenTegra RNAssure™를 사용하면 실온에서 최소 3일, 4℃ 에서 2주 동안 RNA를 안전하게 보관할 수 있습니다.
★ RNAssure 1.5ml Flip Top tube, 50 tubes → 할인가 400,000원 (부가세별도)
** How to Use **
Storage Condition Period of Protection
Room Temperature (15-25 ℃) 3 days
Refrigerator (2-8 ℃) 2 weeks
Frozen (<-70℃) Less than 1 year
Product Features
  • GenTegra RNAssure™는 모든 제조사의 RNA 추출 제품과 호환 가능
  • 시료 준비 및 handing 중에도 RNA를 완벽하게 보호
  • 시료 내 RNase activity를 비활성화 시킴으로써 RNA degradation를 완벽하게 차단
  • 산화에 의한 손상이나 노출된 온도 변화에도 RNA를 완벽하게 보호
  • RT 또는 37℃에서 DNase처리 중에도 RNA를 보호
  • HeLa cell RNA (5 μg) was incubated with the indicated amounts of RNase at 37 °C for one hour in the presence (top row) or absence (bottom row) of GenTegra RNAssure. Following short incubations at RT, commercially sourced purified mouse spleen RNA samples were analyzed on a Bioanalyzer™ for both fragmentation length and RIN scores. In the absence of RNAssure (orange), the RNA sample started to show noticeable degradation, after as short as 15 min exposure at RT, and the RNA quality progressively decreased as the exposure time increased. Whereas in the presence of RNAssure (green), the RNA sample was protected with no significant change in RINe value, throughout the 4 h exposure to RT. Unprotected control samples (orange), GenTegra RNAssure protected samples (green).
    Following 3 or 7 days of incubation at RT, commercially sourced purified mouse spleen RNA samples were analyzed on a Bioanalyzer for both fragmentation length and RINe scores. A. Prior to incubation at RT, control mouse spleen RNA showed no significant degradation. B. After 7 days at 25 °C, RNA showed severe degradation in the absence of RNAssure. C. Whereas, in the presence of RNAssure, no significant degradation was observed compared to control RNA. D. At 25 °C, it is observed that RIN values for the unprotected RNA (orange) showed a dramatic decrease at 3 days, while the RNAssure protected RNA (green) maintained high RINe scores even after 7 days.
    (주)이바이오젠, Never Ending Service, 항상 최선을 다하겠습니다.
    Tel. 02-3141-0791, Fax. 02-3141-0792, www.e-biogen.com